10 Minute Air Fryer Naan- Oh So EASY!!

You can use different recipes to make Naan, but this one here will give you the softest, fluffiest Air fryer Naan you will ever make.

Traditionally, Naan is made without yeast, with just a mixture of flour and yogurt, a pinch of baking soda combined and cooked in a tandoor, a cylindrical clay oven.

Not everyone can access a tandoor. Hence, this Air fryer Naan recipe is much needed. This recipe uses an air fryer to cook Naan, and the results were pretty good.

Once you know how long you need to cook the Naan inside the air fryer, you can replicate these results repeatedly, making a couple of air fryer Naan that taste delicious.

It is quick and easy, and it takes 6-8 minutes to cook a single Naan. Yep, it does take a long, but you can make larger Naans, so you would have to make fewer of them.

Ingredients and Substitutions

250 grams All Purpose flour- This recipe needs all-purpose flour, and no other flour like whole wheat flour will do because of its protein content.

Naan is made in All-purpose flour, and it will not be Naan if you use any other flour.

1 tsp Sugar- Sugar helps activate the yeast and gives the Naan a nice brown color when made in the air fryer.

1 tsp Salt

1/2 tsp Instant Active Yeast– Instant active yeast differs from active dry yeast. Instant active yeast doesn’t need to be activated. Hence, you can directly add it to the flour with the dry ingredients.

The instant dry yeast must be activated with warm water and sugar, so reserve some water from the 160 ml of water and add it later if you use instant dry yeast.

160 ml of water– You should keep the hydration to about 60-65 percent.

So that the Naan is fluffy, sixty percent hydration means the quantity of water used is 60 percent of the total weight of the flour.

How to make Air Fryer Naan

Put the flour in a bowl and dump yeast, sugar, and salt. Mix it thoroughly, add water, and mix the dough to form a homogeneous ball.

Let it rest for at least 3 hours; I let the dough sit for 5 hours. After that, make small dough balls and use a rolling pin to roll out the dough. Make sure the dough is evenly rolled out and slightly thick.

Now cook this in an air fryer at 180°C for 3-4 minutes on one side.

Flip it and apply some butter with crushed garlic(this is optional, but since I was making garlic Naan, I made butter, salt, and minced garlic mix and applied it to the Naan).

Cook the other side at 180°C for another 3-4 minutes till the Naan is crispy on both sides and well cooked.

Your air fryer Naan is ready. Enjoy

Tips on cooking the Perfect Naan INside the air fryer

1. Do not roll out the naan; leave it for 30 minutes. This is because the dough will proof again, and you do not want that happening as it makes it very difficult to handle the dough.

2. Roll out the dough evenly and slightly thick. I know many people think the thinner you roll it out, the better it tastes, but for Naan, if you want a soft and fluffy inside it should be slightly thick.

3. Keep checking when you cook the Naan at the 3-minute mark. Depending on the Naan’s thickness, it can take a minute or two or longer. So be mindful about the time and cook it long enough.

Air Fryer Naan

4. You do not need to spray the air fryer with oil if you have dusted flour on your Naan well and removed all the excess before putting it back inside the air fryer.

Can you freeze Naan?

I have a trick if you want to freeze the rolled-out naan Dough.

Just take a cling film and place a rolled-out Naan dough on it, cover it with another cling film, and place another rolled-out Naan dough on top of that.

Keep stacking the rolled-out Naan Dough this way, cover the entire thing with cling film, and freeze it. This way, you can take out one frozen Naan dough at a time and cook it in the air fryer.

Another way would be to freeze the already-cooked Naan.

This is much easier than storing the rolled-out dough since Naan barely sticks to one another, so you can put all the leftover Naan bread in a ziplock bag, freeze it, and use it in the future whenever you want to.

If you want to refrigerate Naan, you can do so as well, but make sure to wrap it in cling wrap as Naan tends to get dry if placed in the fridge. It lasts well in the fridge for up to 5-6 days.

How do you reheat Naan?

If you have frozen Naan, place it in the air fryer at 200°C and reheat it for about 3 minutes. It is as easy as that.

Reheating Naan doesn’t take long, which is one reason I love making many of them and storing them in the freezer for later use. Also, they came in handy when I was making Air Fryer Naan Pizza.

You can reheat it for a minute or two depending on your use.

Air Fryer Naan

Air Fryer Naan

If you love this Indian Naan bread then check out this quick, easy and delicious Air fryer Naan recipe. Use this recipe to make as many flatbreads, mini Naans you like and enjoy this delicacy with curries, on its own or make Naan Pizzas.
Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 7 minutes
5 hours
Total Time 5 hours 17 minutes
Course Appetizer, Breakfast, Main Course, Snack
Cuisine Indian
Servings 2 people


  • 1 Philips Air fryer


  • 250 grams All Purpose Flour
  • 160 ml Water
  • 1 tsp Sugar
  • 1 tsp Salt
  • 1/2 tsp Yeast


  • Take all the dry ingredients in a bowl that is all purpose flour, yeast, salt, sugar and mix them. Now add water and make a homogenrous dough. Let it sit for 4-5 hours, now you can start making Naan.
  • Take a small dough ball and roll it out.
  • Cook it at 180°C in the air fryer for 4 minutes on one side.
  • Flip the Naan and apply some garlic butter mixture and cook it for another 4 minutes. If you want plain Naan then just cook it on the other side for 2-3 minutes without any butter.
  • Your Naan is ready! Enjoy!
    Air fryer Naan
Keyword Air Fryer Naan, Air Fryer Naan Pizza

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